Friday, July 11, 2008

Camp Mohawk vs. Camp Columbus-May the best one be chosen!

I know our parents' generation isn't in to blogging all that much, but for their kids (us) and those of you even reading this, I'm curious as to which summer camp you had the best memories from? Was it Camp Mohawk with the real lake, swimming pool, chapel, crafts, etc. or was it the Gulf Coast Christian Youth Camp in Columbus with the more modern dorms, multi-purpose building on the hill, and "The Grove"? Did you have your heart broken by a summer camp romance or did you find your one and only true love and marry them!

Although I had great memories at both camps, for me the best Camp was Mohawk hands down. I attended mostly as a camper with my mom being a counselor and my dad being the cook. I remember sneaking around the lake to raid the boys only to be surprised by them coming around from the other side to raid us. One night in particular, we surprised each other unfortunately in front of the caretakers house waking them up. They threatened to make us all leave in the morning, but thankfully they reconsidered and we went on to enjoy the rest of our week. On another night, our attack was executed perfectly, and we scared the boys half to death. They had been telling ghost stories late that night and when we screamed at the top of our lungs, dropped the window shutters, and used coke cans to bang on their corrugated tin dorm, they thought the Lord had come for sure!

Another favorite memory was going to chapel everyday and having skit night at the end of the week. It was a real treat back then because it was the only building that was air conditioned. This was also the time when the dorms were checked, and it was always interesting to see whose clothes, bathing suits, or undergarments had been hoisted up the flagpole after leaving chapel for other activities.

Not believing my story, I also got pushed in the deep end of the swimming pool despite my warnings that I didn't know how to swim. After I went under and came back up spitting and sputtering several times, the other girls realized I was telling the truth and pulled me out. I certainly don't recall who pushed me in or pulled me out, but whoever you are, YOU are forgiven. Believe it or not, I love to fish, but I still don't know how to swim today.

On the spiritual side, it was always a very emotional evening with lots of responses when we gathered down by the lake and heard the story of the crucifixion. The visual finale was when a cross was set on fire on part of a little island on the lake.

Those were such great times. Which camp was your favorite, and what memories do you have that still seem like it was yesterday?


Anonymous said...

I have never been to Columbus. However, for me I know that it would never be able to compete with Mohawk. I met my husband at Camp Mohawk in 1968. We have been married for 36 years! Mike is still the love of my life. He is a wonderful spiritual leader for our family, a prayer warrior and an amazing dad. Needless to say, I will always hold Camp Mohawk in highest esteem!

Anonymous said...

No doubt Camp Mohawk. With all the large trees there was always shade and the guys cabin was a huge barracks (even though it had a crack in the floor that would break your foot at night). We even caught a few fish in that lake.

Tim Kirksey

Karen said...

I too have to vote on Camp Mohawk. Lots and lots of wonderful memories. I didn't meet the love of my life there. I met David at Harding, but he has driven me out to Mohawk a few times in the past few years to see the old campground. Paula, how great to read your post. Hope to see you at the reunion.

Karen Hogle said...

Girls weren't allowed to swim with boys at church camp. When I was at camp -- one night a small group of teens (boys and girls) decided we were going to swim together anyway. We climbed over the fence which was around the swimming pool, then we jumped in wearing our clothes. I think we were probably being mildly rebellious. And when the counselors discovered us, I think we were all sent home!

Sorry, I can't remember which camp this was. Karen Arnold Hogle

Lori (Root) Smith said...

I only got to attend Mohawk the last year before the switch to Columbus. I loved it though. Those big old trees! I won the Bible facts contest that year and got a brand new Bible as the prize.

At Columbus, my biggest memories were of those all afternoon free-for-all shaving cream, water balloon, and mud fights. Very disgusting and a huge outlet for lots of pent up energy. I am sure that we all had to throw away whatever unfortunate pieces of clothing we were wearing for those.

Anonymous said...

I liked Camp Mohawk the best. I remember the raids on the boys & sneaking over in the night. I remember my daddy being the cook and making homemade cinnamon rolls. Nobody ever messed with him because "you don't mess with the cook!"

Anonymous said...

No doubt.. "CAMP MOHAWK" gets my vote...
I remember one year when the boys came over to the girls dorm, (we did not have a clue when they came)
and they turned off our hot water heater and we had to take cold showers...
Then one night, Barbie Cooper
(at that time)was asleep in the top bunk next to me, when these girls came to her bunk and smeared
vaseline all in her hair.. REMEMBER, we had no hot water (thanks to the boys !)... So we had to go up to the kitchen where there was hot water... I have no idea how many times that we washed her hair in "TIDE", trying to get that out of her hair.. It took forever to get most of it out..
It was near the end of the week before we found out that the boys had turned out hot water off..
But with all the memories, it was all worth would take a
book to tell all the things that happened..

Anonymous said...

Red Oak Springs.

Nancy Warburton said...

I loved Camp Mohawk! The only problem I had with it was that both of my parents were there with me, and sometimes my brothers as well. Daddy would rope off an area on the last day and anyone inside would be fair game for the shaving cream fights! The canteen, late-night raids, skit night - what was NOT to love!!

Nancy Cliver Farabee Warburton

Nancy Warburton said...

I always loved Camp Mohawk! My only problem was that Mother & Daddy were both there and usually one of my brothers. Daddy would rope off an area the last day and anyone inside was fair game for the shaving cream fight. The raids, skits, canteen time - what was NOT to love!

Nancy Cliver Farabee Warburton

Anonymous said...

I loved Camp Mohawk but then again I never went to Camp Columbus. I remember the beautiful area with the trees and lake. I also remember the wonderful studies under the trees and you never stayed in one class. We also had a wonderful craft classes. I still have the creations I did back then. BUT the devotionals were the best. We had Leonard Driskel as the speaker and I learned so many different things that hadn't been presented in church. The skits and sing along were great along with all the great friendships created. I also remember waking up with just minutes to get to breakfast and everyone was missing one shoe, they were all in a pile in the middle of the room ( fun trying to find your one shoe). Along with everyone else I remember the raids and jokes pulled on everyone. It was great to find out who stole all of our clothes and hoisted it up the flag pole. PAYBACK was great on that last day. Even though we had a geat fun time we also had a great devotional time and atmosphere. I was glad the church was doing things for the teenagers at this time. Up until this time kids were seen not heard this was an enrichment in my life.
Jeanie (Justus) Graff