This past Sunday it was time once again to "spring forward" for Daylight Saving Time, and I'm curious how you feel about this semiannual change. Although resetting clocks doesn't take a college degree, in our house it requires doing this for 7 alarm/wall clocks; 3 VCR/DVD players; 1 coffee maker; 1 microwave oven; 1 conventional oven; 2 air conditioner/heater thermostats and 2 wrist watches if I didn't overlook something. For me, Benjamin Franklin's idea is just a head game. Theoretically I guess I don't mind when we "fall back" and gain an hour because some days there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day anyway, but is all of this really necessary? I can see how some would rationalize the saving of electricity in having longer summer evenings outside, but now we have to use a flashlight in the morning
and evening when we walk our dog. Because it is still pretty dark outside when the alarm clock goes off, it is extremely hard to be motivated enough to get up not to mention that it takes at least a couple of weeks to adjust your sleep habits with the time change. So the burning question is "Do you find daylight saving time to be a pain or a plus in your daily schedule/routine?" My inquiring mind wants to know!
I LOVE Daylight Saving's time. I am a sunshine lover so the longer days make me smile. I am always sad when we go off of Daylight Savings in the fall--I would be happy to keep it all year long which would help with the clock setting problem.
I dont like daylight savings. Yes it is wet and cold but we need the rain.
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