Bill and I and our three children moved to Houston from Irving in the Fall of 1972 when Jan was a freshman who entered J. Frank Dobie High School, and the twins, Brent & Beverly enrolled in 6th grade at Thompson Elementary. We visited Sun Valley immediately at the encouragement of a couple at our church in Irving who knew their friends Jack & Leita Rue Baten were members there and in the area near where we were moving. The Batens invited us over to their house that Sunday night along with several other couples. The youth group was so friendly and came to visit our kids and asked them to sit with them during class and services. These friendly gestures helped us to make the decision to place membership at Sun Valley after about a month of visiting back and forth between Sun Valley and Southeast.
Bill is retired but continues to work part-time for Jeter Funeral Home in Friendswood. I started filling in as a part-time secretary at Sun Valley beginning the following year and that resulted in working there for the next 13 years. I retired at the end of 2004 after serving as one of the full-time secretaries at Southeast for the past 18 years. My years of serving as church secretary totaled 31 years.
Jan and her husband, Dennis McBee, and family all live in Houston and are members at Southeast. Their son, Chris and Josie have a one-year old daughter, Aubrey who has been the light of Jan & Dennis’ lives the past year. Their daughter, Amber is in her second year at San Jac.
Brent and his wife, Mary Ann, and son, Lucas live in Selma, while Beverly and her husband, Gary Shuck and their two sons, Danny and Dylan live in Schertz - both cities are located near each other in the northeast edge of San Antonio and not far from New Braunfels. Beverly and her husband have one grandson, thanks to their son Danny and his wife Kim. Their younger son is a freshman in high school. We are very happy to have and enjoy our five grandchildren and two great-grandbabies.
The following photo was taken at Joyce and Bill's 50th wedding anniversary celebration in May 2005.

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