Can you believe it is May? Well, for those of you still checking the blog from time to time, I haven't received any news from anyone in a while to update you about, but you are probably as busy as I've been. I've had a few additional requests for the reunion packet (program, DVD and directory) but we still have a lot left. The reason for that: My original intent was to have enough copies to give a DVD to each family who attended the reunion. When we had to reschedule the date due to the hurricane, that plan fell by the wayside as we incurred double mailing expenses forcing us to sell the DVDs for $5 each. So when we plan for another reunion in a couple of years, we will probably still have reunion DVDs. They will be free for anyone who still wants one!
Whether you are celebrating Mother's Day this weekend for the very first time or too many years' time to remember, I hope you will have a blessed day. I know that when your children have a family of their own in addition to inlaws on the other side of the equation, it is hard to get everyone together for anything. I heard someone say that you should celebrate the event rather than the day, and from my own family and experience, that is absolutely true.
May brings not only flowers and Mother's Day, but graduations across the country and my wedding anniversary. This year, Jack and I will celebrate 31 years! Going along with McDonald's line, "I'm loving it."
Happy May to everyone!
Christmas Post 2019
5 years ago