Church hymns have no doubt changed a lot since the 1960's when the Sun Valley congregation first began meeting. I was only a few years old so I don't remember what songs were traditionally sung, but I would imagine that when the invitation was extended "Just As I Am" was sung so often that you didn't require a song book. I also would imagine that some from that generation don't always enjoy singing the newer praise songs today, but would prefer singing the older, more traditional hymns from time to time. Songs such as "On Jordan's Stormy Banks," "Shall We Gather At the River?" and in preparation for communion, "Night With Ebon Pinion."
Some of this same generation has not gotten caught up with the age of the internet much less the idea of actually leaving comments on blog sites such as this one, but stay with me if you are reading this post. What songs do you remember singing that became either your favorite golden oldies or were the thorn in your side because you sang them so often? I actually remember a Vacation Bible School were our theme song for that year was "To God Be the Glory." Now I have no problem with the idea of that song, but we sang it in our opening and closing assembly for a week, and to this day I cringe when it is led. My mother in law, who will be 84 this year feels the same way about "I'll Fly Away" and pretty much slams her book closed because she dislikes singing the song.
In closing, I'll leave you with the words from the first verse and chorus of "A Beautiful Life" which I actually still like to sing from time to time because I like hearing the bass lead on the chorus.
Each day I'll do a golden deed, By helping those who are in need; My life on earth is but a span, And so I'll do the best I can, the best I can.
Chorus: Life's evening sun is sinking low, A few more days and I must go To meet the deeds that I have done, Where there will be no setting sun.
Christmas Post 2019
5 years ago