Sunday, June 29, 2008

Favorite Church Hymns

Church hymns have no doubt changed a lot since the 1960's when the Sun Valley congregation first began meeting. I was only a few years old so I don't remember what songs were traditionally sung, but I would imagine that when the invitation was extended "Just As I Am" was sung so often that you didn't require a song book. I also would imagine that some from that generation don't always enjoy singing the newer praise songs today, but would prefer singing the older, more traditional hymns from time to time. Songs such as "On Jordan's Stormy Banks," "Shall We Gather At the River?" and in preparation for communion, "Night With Ebon Pinion."

Some of this same generation has not gotten caught up with the age of the internet much less the idea of actually leaving comments on blog sites such as this one, but stay with me if you are reading this post. What songs do you remember singing that became either your favorite golden oldies or were the thorn in your side because you sang them so often? I actually remember a Vacation Bible School were our theme song for that year was "To God Be the Glory." Now I have no problem with the idea of that song, but we sang it in our opening and closing assembly for a week, and to this day I cringe when it is led. My mother in law, who will be 84 this year feels the same way about "I'll Fly Away" and pretty much slams her book closed because she dislikes singing the song.

In closing, I'll leave you with the words from the first verse and chorus of "A Beautiful Life" which I actually still like to sing from time to time because I like hearing the bass lead on the chorus.

Each day I'll do a golden deed, By helping those who are in need; My life on earth is but a span, And so I'll do the best I can, the best I can.

Chorus: Life's evening sun is sinking low, A few more days and I must go To meet the deeds that I have done, Where there will be no setting sun.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Special Tribute

Doyle Beene left this earth on April 1, 2008. Although he was certainly not anywhere close to being the first of the many former members who have gone on to receive their heavenly reward, his death was you might say "the straw that broke the camel's back" for me.

Over the past few years, many of us have attended the funerals of Grady Burke, Ray Smith, John Cooper, Brandon Guillory, Jack Baten, Coy Day, Paul Burke, and Ted Debner, Jr. just to name a few. Because many of us know the same people, we observe the same familiar faces paying a final tribute to loved ones again and again. Although rarely does it happen, we often make promises to get together at another time or place outside of the bittersweet funerals of those who die in the Lord. Bittersweet because we will selfishly miss that person's earthly presence, but we rejoice in the confidence we share as Christians that this loved one is now reaping their reward and enjoying a wonderful homecoming!

Doyle seemed to make friends with everyone he came in contact with, and the large number of people waiting in line to pay their respect to his family showed just how many lives he touched in some way. There were people who came that we hadn't seen at some of the other funerals, and that's when I decided "we are going to have a reunion!" Doyle will definitely be missed; not only by his children and grandchildren pictured below, but by the many friends he met along the way. I'm confident that Doyle was greeted in heaven with "well done, good and faithful servant...enter thou into the joy of your Lord."

I hope you will make every effort to join us on September 20, 2008, as we reminisce and celebrate the special relationships we have made through the years with Sun Valley being our commond bond.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pulpit/Youth Ministers

Who can name all of the former pulpit ministers of Sun Valley? Can you put them in order by filling in the approximate years they served in this capacity? We have started the list, but 1) do we have them correct, 2) what years did they fill the pulpit, and 3) did we leave anyone out? I don't think we have all the dates exactly accurate at this point, but we're getting closer to filling in the gaps. There must have been some overlap or dual roles--can anyone tell me if this list looks somewhat accurate?

I think our problem is that our memory isn't what it used to be since I got most of these dates from the actual people listed or either from their spouse or close relative!

Don Humphrey (1961-1962)
Chester Grimes (1962-1965)
Ronald Hill (1965-1969 )
Don Dye
Edgar "Sonny" Todd (1968-1971)
Robert "Bob" Grigg (1971-1974) Personal Evangelist (1974-1979)
Gary Richards (1974-1977)
Winston Atkinson (1977-1979)
Leonard Driskell (5/1980-1986)
Steve Shannon (Youth Minister)
Coy Day (1987-1997)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Update on Billie Jean (Atkinson) Baker Family

Sometime after leaving Sun Valley and after all 3 of our children were married and somewhat settled, Winston and I spent 6 years working with small, struggling congregations in the U.S. We lived in AZ and on the East Coast during this 6-year span of time, in a 40-ft. 5th wheel travel trailer.

While living in Salisbury, Maryland, Winston began experiencing some health issues, so we left and returned to Texas. The Garden Oaks church contacted us with the desire to have us work with Garden Oaks, in Houston. Garden Oaks was once a large (1100 member congregation) but had changed its complexion and was mostly made up of Hispanic and African-American descent. We accepted the challenge and found many members not meeting anywhere.

During this time, it was discovered that Winston needed heart by-pass surgery and this was done on March 6, 1989. The surgery was successful but Winston developed ARDS (Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome) and died 8 months later (October 27, 1989). I had begun working at an engineering firm in Houston, so I continued in this job after Winston’s death.

While at the Garden Oaks congregation, we learned of this congregation’s involvement in the work in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and planned on making a trip there but this never happened, due to Winston death. This fact is significant in my story.

Some 3 years following Winston’s death, I married a childhood sweetheart, Dewitt Baker. We grew up in the same neighborhood, attended grade school through high school together, attending the same congregation in Dallas. Two years after our marriage, Dewitt took early retirement and we moved to Honduras, teaching at Baxter Institute and working with 2 medical clinics. We lived and worked 6 years in Honduras until Dewitt’s health prevented us from continuing.

After moving back to Texas, we settled in Bryan/College Station, where most of our family lived. By now we had a total of 8 children, my 3- (Paul, Cheryl and Ruth) and Dewitt’s 5 children. Now, our family has grown to 17 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.

Dewitt is an Aggie through and through. We are active members of the A&M church of Christ, assist in many of their programs and continue to be involved in the work in Honduras. I administer a Nutrition Program for the thousands of malnourished children in that country. If you would like to learn more about this program, go to my website – This is our out of country mission work. We were able to spend some time in Honduras this past summer and hope to do so many more times.

We have 2 rocking chairs in our home but they are only used to rock great-grandchildren. As long as our bodies allow and our Lord permits, we want to be involved in the work of His Kingdom.

The Sun Valley congregation is a vital piece of my life and I have fond memories of so many there. I am looking forward to seeing many of these dear friends. If you are ever close to Bryan/College Station, our home is open.

Dewitt and Billie Baker
2602 Lochinvar
Bryan, TX 77802
(979) 255-8221

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Did you say "I Do" at Sun Valley?

I wonder who the first couple was to marry at Sun Valley? Being born in December 1958, I was very young when the congregation began. Although I remember the first educational wing where some receptions were held before the 2-story educational building was constructed, I don't remember many weddings until I was much older. Can you help jog my memory? Did you marry at Sun Valley? Are you still married to that person today? We would like to include your wedding photo in our reunion slide show video! If you have the capability, photos may be uploaded to or you may send them to Debbie Blackburn at Clear Lake Church of Christ, 938 El Dorado Blvd., Houston, Texas, 77062.

If you would just like to comment about a particular wedding you remember, we would love for you to share those memories too.

I just have to share one photo now! Do you recognize this happy couple?

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Going through the hundreds of photos from the days of Sun Valley in preparation for the reunion video has definitely brought back many great memories. It is going to be so difficult to pick and choose which ones to include though so that the video doesn't put everyone to sleep. You know how home movies are--they are only fun for the first 15 minutes or so! Anyway, I hope you are making plans to join us on Saturday, September 20. It's going to be a great celebration.